Experiment demos

These are free tools for educators. In my music cognition course, students completed a short experiment demo related to each assigned reading. Later, in pairs, they analyzed and presented the class results along with the article. The students enjoyed the demos, so I thought it might be nice to move them online and share. When I have the time, I’ll add to this list. If you have a demo request, please reach out, especially if you have permission to share stimuli.


  • For each demo, there’s a link to a short online task.
  • At the end of the task, participants can see their performance and download their results as a CSV file. If they choose to provide a name or ID, it will be included in the CSV file.
  • The CSV files can be submitted to the instructor.
  • The instructor can analyze/visualize the results of the group using the provided R script, and see a list of names/IDs. I tried to make this part easy—just put the files in the same folder and run the script.

Classroom demo: good pitch memory

This is a brief (~5 min) demonstration of “good pitch memory” for famous recordings. It’s based on the study by Schellenberg and Trehub (2003).